Introduction to learning

 September 19, 2020

    What a week this has been, I have learned a lot, both the easy and hard way.  One of the things I learned, is that it is smart to have a journal (or in this case blog) to record the lessons you learn.  Step one, create a blog, complete.  I think the hardest thing for me to do is going to remember to record in this regularly.  I never seem to have enough time to get everything done, so this in and of itself is going to be a learning experience for me.  In addition to learning about the benefits of keeping a journal, we learned four keys to keeping a journal.  1. date each entry 2. lessons learned section 3. lesson not yet learned section 4. reference and categorization method.  How to do three of these, all except the date, as of now go in the lessons not yet learned section, so here goes nothing.

Lesson learned this week- You need a schedule!  I started this week knowing my work schedule, knowing I had about 16 hours worth of work to do at home, and knowing that I had school work to do.  I figured I would just do work and school work while I am at home, before going into work.  This does not work.  I need to set a schedule for each school and work, set a schedule for each class, and set a schedule for each task.  Additionally, I need to ensure that I schedule free time with my children so that they don't feel they are always interrupting me.  

Lessons not yet learned- How to organize my time and prioritize what needs to be done first.  I have purchased a new planner with time slots and a task list for each day.  I think this is the first step in creating a successful schedule.  Additionally, I need to figure out how this whole blog thing works.  But, I guess the fact that I am typing, is step one!

Short term lessons first, that will help us get to the long term goals! 
